
I'm Xavier, currently enrolled in the joint Elite Master Course in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics at LMU and TUM. I previously obtained a MASt in Applied Mathematics (Part III of the Mathematical Tripos) from the University of Cambridge and a Bachelor in Physics from EPFL.

  • This is my personal webpage. You'll find a description of my current and recent academic activities, as well as various resources which I've found to be worth looking at in my journey so far.*
  • For a short overview of my academic journey so far, you can have a look at my CV.**
  • I steer my career towards the study of quantum gravity, with a focus on string theory, flat space holography and scattering amplitudes, cf. my research page for more details.
  • Besides science, I also have a keen interest for poetry, foreign languages and cultures, photography, endurance sports, philosophy and sustainable travel. I keep track of some of these here.

*I've compiled these thinking other like-minded students might find them useful - any suggestions welcome!
**I'm always happy to discuss, so feel free to shoot me an email :)